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OSOLE – Pure solar power in every single drop

OSOLE is the sun boost for people who don't get enough sunlight. Through pure, liquid vitamin D3 in combination with vitamin K1 and K2, O'SOLE helps maintain normal immune system function, teeth, muscles and bones.

Vitamin D has a kind of special position, because the body can produce it itself with the help of sunlight, while only a small part is absorbed through food – unlike all other vitamins. So we need to go outside to supply the body with vitamin D.

However, those who spend little time in the sun or, like almost all northern Europeans, live in a region with low solar radiation, can support the body with O'SOLE in the vitamin D supply. Our O'SOLE is gently obtained with the help of full-spectrum extraction from purely organic raw material sources.

*Lactose content less than 0.1 g / 100 g


Strictly speaking, vitamin D is not a real vitamin. According to the definition, vitamins are vital organic compounds that the body must regularly take in with food because it cannot produce them or cannot produce them in sufficient quantities. Compared to other vitamins, vitamin D has a kind of special position, because the body can produce it itself with the help of sunlight, while only a small part is absorbed through food. Vitamin D is needed in many different For example, it contributes to normal immune system function and helps maintain normal teeth, normal bones, and healthy muscle function.*

*Compliant with the health claims of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

In our organism, vitamin D has a variety of tasks, which can already be seen from the fact that the associated vitamin D receptor is present in virtually all types of tissue in our body. In addition to supporting the immune system and maintaining healthy teeth, bones and muscle function, it contributes to normal calcium levels.* We can also take in a small amount of vitamin D through food. However, the vitamin is found only to a limited extent in foods such as fatty fish, liver or egg yolks.

*Compliant with the health claims of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

The original colonization of the earth by Homo sapiens started from the equator in all directions. Near the equator, vitamin D intake is ideal due to the climate – it's just that a large proportion of people today live in other regions of the world. Especially in the months from October to May, northern Europeans are not necessarily spoiled by the sun. In addition, we tend to spend the day indoors rather than outdoors due to our jobs, which means that our vitamin D intake is too low.

Those who spend little time in the sun or, like almost all northern Europeans, live in a region with low sunlight exposure, can support the body in its vitamin D supply with dietary supplements.

The ingredients in O'SOLE come from organic raw materials and the highest quality sources in nature. Vitamin D is derived from lanolin (wool fat). MCT oil from coconuts and olive oil serve as vegetable carrier oils. In addition, we have added vitamins K1 and K2 to the product, as these, in combination with vitamin D, support the maintenance of normal bones, as well as normal blood clotting.*

*Compliant with the health claims of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

K vitamins are critical for the absorption and processing of vitamin D. This relates in particular to bone metabolism. The isolated administration of vitamin D in high doses is not entirely uncontroversial. If higher doses of vitamin D are taken without vitamin K being added, the positive effect of vitamin D may be reversed. The positive effect of vitamin D on the immune system and calcium transport from cells is sometimes controversial. On the contrary, it has been shown that the effect of vitamin D is regulated by vitamin K and that these two vitamins should ideally be given in combination. That is why we have added vitamins K1 and K2 to O'SOLE.

Per drop of O'SOLE, the body receives 1,000 i.U. of vitamin D3 in liquid form. The ingredients are obtained from lanolin (wool fat) using a gentle extraction process and dissolved in MCT and Olive Oil.

Yes, we always pay attention to sustainable raw materials and especially the palm fruit.

Ingredients:MCT Oil, Olive Oil, Phytomenadione (Vitamin K1), Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3), Menaquinone-7 (Vitamin K2)

IngredientsAmount per daily dose% NRV (Nutrient Reference Values)
Vitamin D325 µg (1,000. I.E.)500 %
Vitamin K1125 µg166 %
Vitamin K2 (MK7)13 µg17 %

Recommended application

  • Take one drop daily with a meal, especially in the winter months from November to May.
  • A detailed list of all ingredients and legal information about O’SOLE can be found on the back label of the product. The information on the linked back label is not guaranteed. Only the information on the label of the respective product packaging is binding. In individual cases, the design may differ from the online illustration.
Product information: OSOLE | VITAMIN D3 + K1 & K2 DROPS
OSOLE ist der Sonnenboost für Menschen, die zu wenig Sonnenlicht abbekommen. Durch pures, flüssiges Vitamin D3 in Kombination mit Vitamin K1 und K2 trägt OSOLE dazu bei, die normale Funktion des Immunsystems sowie die Zähne, Muskeln und Knochen zu erhalten. Jeder Tropfen versorgt Dich mit 1.000 i.E. Vitamin D3 und wichtigen Cofaktoren. OSOLE wird glutenfrei und ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe aus rein natürlichen Rohstoffen hergestellt.
Application case: Für den Alltag, Immunsystem
Problemfeld: Müdigkeit
Gut für: Anti-Aging, Immunsystem, Knochen, Kreislauf, Senioren, Zahngesundheit
Produkttyp: Tropfen
Eigenschaft / USP: Glutenfrei, Keine künstlichen Zusatzstoffe, Laborgeprüft, Laktosefrei, Ohne Gentechnik, Produkt der Kölner Liste®, UV geschützte Gläser

4 of 4 reviews

4.5 out of 5 stars






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20 April 2023 07:51

Einfach fitter

D3+K1+K2 nehme ich zu jeder Jahreszeit frühs in meiner Routine ein und fühle mich gut damit.

25 August 2023 11:13

Viel Vitamin D

Mir gefällt der hohe Vitamin D Anteil pro Tropfen und dass ich das Produkt gut vertrage.

27 December 2023 16:21

Keinen Tage ohne Sole

Sole nehme ich schon seid Jahren täglich. Damit habe ich meinen Vitamin D - Mangel behoben und halte den jetzigen Spiegel damit nachweislich hoch. Gehört meiner Meinung in jeden Haushalt . Auch im Sommer!

31 March 2023 04:34


Spezieller Nachgeschmack, gewöhnungsbedürftig

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Product information: OSOLE | VITAMIN D3 + K1 & K2 DROPS
OSOLE ist der Sonnenboost für Menschen, die zu wenig Sonnenlicht abbekommen. Durch pures, flüssiges Vitamin D3 in Kombination mit Vitamin K1 und K2 trägt OSOLE dazu bei, die normale Funktion des Immunsystems sowie die Zähne, Muskeln und Knochen zu erhalten. Jeder Tropfen versorgt Dich mit 1.000 i.E. Vitamin D3 und wichtigen Cofaktoren. OSOLE wird glutenfrei und ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe aus rein natürlichen Rohstoffen hergestellt.
Application case: Für den Alltag, Immunsystem
Problemfeld: Müdigkeit
Gut für: Anti-Aging, Immunsystem, Knochen, Kreislauf, Senioren, Zahngesundheit
Produkttyp: Tropfen
Eigenschaft / USP: Glutenfrei, Keine künstlichen Zusatzstoffe, Laborgeprüft, Laktosefrei, Ohne Gentechnik, Produkt der Kölner Liste®, UV geschützte Gläser

4 of 4 reviews

4.5 out of 5 stars






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20 April 2023 07:51

Einfach fitter

D3+K1+K2 nehme ich zu jeder Jahreszeit frühs in meiner Routine ein und fühle mich gut damit.

25 August 2023 11:13

Viel Vitamin D

Mir gefällt der hohe Vitamin D Anteil pro Tropfen und dass ich das Produkt gut vertrage.

27 December 2023 16:21

Keinen Tage ohne Sole

Sole nehme ich schon seid Jahren täglich. Damit habe ich meinen Vitamin D - Mangel behoben und halte den jetzigen Spiegel damit nachweislich hoch. Gehört meiner Meinung in jeden Haushalt . Auch im Sommer!

31 March 2023 04:34


Spezieller Nachgeschmack, gewöhnungsbedürftig


Als Kombination aus Natur und Wissenschaft

artgerechte Option zum Erhalt oder zur Verbesserung der Gesundheit, Leistungs- und Widerstandsfähigkeit bieten.

Empfohlene Ergänzungen

Beliebte Kunden-Kombinationen und empfohlene Ergänzungen zu [ag-productname].

Omega 3 from sustainable fish oil to maintain normal vision, heart and brain functions.

Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Content: 0.047 kg (€636.17 / 1 kg)

100% natural multivitamin for your optimal supply of all micronutrients.

Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Content: 0.018 kg (€1,875.00 / 1 kg)

From €33.75
Organischer Magnesium-Komplex gegen anhaltende Erschöpfung, Muskelkrämpfe und langsame Regeneration nach dem Training

Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Content: 0.018 kg (€1,105.56 / 1 kg)

L’FERRIN 60 Capsules
L’FERRIN 60 Capsules
L’FERRIN 60 Capsules
Amount: 60 Capsules
Pure Lactoferrin CLN® for your universal protection as an immune protein.

Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Content: 0.016 kg (€3,519.38 / 1 kg)

From €56.31