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Ferment-A-Pure patented technology

Ferment-A-Pure patented technology

A'MIN – Natural amino acid mix for your fast recovery

AMIN is ideal after peak athletic performance or after an exhausting day. As the "building blocks of life", the free amino acids in A'MIN are the raw material for the production of proteins and for building cells, hormones and enzymes. Our amino acid combination (EVAATM) can be used by our body immediately because the free amino acids in AMIN are absorbed directly through the oral mucosa – they dont need to be digested before fulfilling their purpose.

Unlike fat, essential amino acids can hardly be stored biologically. Therefore, a regular supply of amino acids to the body is essential. Otherwise, the body will start to break down its own tissues to get the nutrients it needs.

In A'MIN we combine essential amino acids without additives with fruity, fresh taste of pineapple and orange. We obtain our amino acids by fermentation from sugar beet and tapioca with a purity level of over 99 % (pharmaceutical grade).

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Amino acids are essential components in the human body and are also known as the building blocks of life. The totality of all the different proteins in a living being is called the proteome. The human proteome consists of between 500,000 and 1,000,000 long amino acid chains.

The human organism is a permanent construction site where amino acids are the most valuable, but non-storable building material. Newborns receive the optimal mixture through their mother's milk. Absorbed through food, they serve the entire organism as a source of energy and building material for protein, the body's own receptors, enzymes, neurotransmitters, hormones, muscle building and much more.

Proteinogenic amino acids are typically divided into non-essential and essential amino acids. Nine of them cannot be produced by the body itself. These are therefore also referred to as essential amino acids and can only be ingested through food or dietary supplements.

Proteins are the essential components in the human body. They are needed for the formation of structures, functions as well as the regulation of every body cell, tissue and all organs. Amino acids are used in the body to build proteins. Each protein consists of a specific string of them. How they are arranged is stored in the DNA as a genetic code.

IsoleucineMaintenance and regeneration of muscle tissue, energy supplier for endurance and strength sports.
LeucineCreation and maintenance of muscle protein, energy supply in the muscle and regeneration
LysineMaintenance of connective and muscle tissue
MethionineVPrecursor of the protein-forming amino acid cysteine
PhenylalanineFormation of proteins and various hormones (adrenaline, noradrenaline or dopamine)
ThreoninePromotes vitamin B12 and isoleucine biosynthesis
TryphtophanPrecursor of the "feel-good hormone" serotonin
ValineEnergy supplier for muscle cells, messenger transmitter for the nervous system
HistidineOur body produces the tissue hormone histamine from histidine. Among other things, histamine plays a central role in the defense of our immune system against foreign substances (inflammatory reaction).

Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins. When protein-containing food is ingested, it is digested and broken down into individual amino acids. In this way, they can be absorbed by our body and used for its own building processes. Free amino acids, such as those contained in PRO'TECT and A'MIN, do not have to be broken down first, but can be absorbed directly through the mucous membranes and enter the bloodstream.

In general, anything that has calories is a meal. Even a coffee with sugar. Isolated amino acids, however, do not have to be digested and only become noticeable as food when the liver converts glucogenic amino acids – such as glutamine – into glucose. However, this is not always the case. A'MIN is occasionally allowed as a snack (separate from meals) during intermittent fasting, and can be taken after vigorous exercise, for example (which we even recommend).

Good physical resistance and energy, the right balance between effective training and recovery sessions, combined with a balanced and healthy diet, are important elements for performance improvement and muscle building in sports. Accordingly, amino acids play a crucial role. Unlike fat, they can hardly be stored. Then the body is faced with the choice of either not producing the necessary substance in sufficient quantities or sacrificing its own tissue. To prevent this from happening, it makes sense to regularly supply the body with essential amino acids through an appropriate diet.

Free amino acids can be consumed immediately after training and are available to the organism in a few minutes. In case of increased stress or low-protein diet, it is recommended to consume 5-6 g two times per day. An increase of the dosage recommendation in case of intensive exercise should be discussed with a doctor or therapist. Absorption is highest on an empty stomach (at least half an hour before eating). However, intake can occur at any time due to high bioavailability and no need for digestion.

Instead of isolated amino acids, humans consumed mainly proteins throughout their history so far. We need enzymes to break down protein into the individual amino acids. Stress and industrial food can inhibit these digestive enzymes by up to 90 %. (Caso, Leza, & Menchen, 2008) Studies have shown that on average we can only absorb 15 to 30 % of a protein shake. (Oben, Kothari, & Anderson, 2008) Free amino acids are absorbed quickly, are immediately usable by the body, and do not need to be digested. They can be consumed immediately after exercise and are available to the body in minutes. For example, studies show that only 1.5 g of isolated amino acids are as efficient as 40 g of Whey protein. (Wilkinson et al., 2018)

BCAAs help build and protect muscle. The abbreviation of BCAAs stands for Branched-Chain Amino Acids. These denote branched-chain amino acids, consisting for example of L-valine, L-leucine and isoleucine, which belong to the essential amino acids and are a very important source of energy, especially for the muscles.

Even though animal foods are often associated with high protein and amino acid content, obtaining amino acids for sports and fitness products does not necessarily rely on animal sources. Among other things, amino acid preparations can also be made from fermented vegetables and from plants.

The production takes place in Japan at the two best manufacturers in the world for fermented amino acids with pharmaceutical grade purity. We rely on the uncompromising quality of the world market leaders. The amino acids used are manufactured under cGMP conditions (current Good Manufacturing Practice, describes specifications for ensuring the product quality of drugs and active ingredients). In addition to the obligatory release tests, our products undergo regular independent quality controls at accredited laboratories (Kölner Liste, Eurofins, Fresenius) and comply with the pharmacopoeia guidelines.

Ingredients: L-Glutamine, Acacia Fiber, L-Carnitine-L-Tartrate, L-Leucine, L-Aspartic Acid, L-Proline, DL-Choline Bitartrate, L-Lysine HCL, L-Valine, L-Isoleucine, L-Tyrosine, L-Serine, L-Threonine, Natural Flavors (Orange & Pineapple), L-Alanine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Arginine, L-Glycine, L-Histidine, L-Cysteine, L-Tryptophan, Taurine, L-Glutamic Acid, L-Methionine, Color: Curcumin, Citrus Pectin

Active IngredientsAmount per daily dose (10 g).
L-Glutamine1340 mg
L-Carnitine-L-tartate680 mg
L-Leucine650 mg
Aspartic Acid560 mg
L-Proline480 mg
L-Lysine HCI440 mg
L-Valine370 mg
L-Isoleucine350 mg
L-Tyrosine320 mg
L-Serine300 mg
L-Threonine300 mg
L-Alanine250 mg
L-Phenylalanine250 mg
L-Arginine240 mg
Choline190 mg
L-Glycine180 mg
L-Histidine170 mg
L-Cystine160 mg
L-Tryptophan160 mg
Taurine140 mg
L-Glutamic Acid120 mg
L-Methionine80 mg

Recommended application

  • In case of increased stress or low-protein diet: 5-6 g two times per day. In phases of intensive stress we recommend higher dosages. Absorption is highest on an empty stomach (at least half an hour before eating). However, it can be taken at any time due to high bioavailability and no need for digestion.
  • If amino acids enter the large intestine due to excessive dosages or too rapid transport through fluids, this can lead to flatulence or harmless diarrhea. In this case, the dosage should be divided into smaller units.
  • Since we recommend a low meal frequency, AMIN is best taken just before or with meals. The powder is best consumed straight and melted in the mouth.
  • We deliberately avoid chemical additives and sweeteners, hence the amino acids preserve their natural taste, which is slightly bitter and sour.
  • Amino acids can have a slight laxative effect in high doses.
  • A detailed list of all ingredients and legal information about A’MIN TROPICAL Sticks can be found on the back label of the product. The information on the linked back label is not guaranteed. Only the information on the label of the respective product packaging is binding. In individual cases, the design may differ from the online illustration.
AMIN Tropical Sticks von artgerecht bieten Dir alle wichtigen essentiellen Aminosäuren in freier Form und in pharmazeutischer Qualität. Der gluten- und laktosefreie Aminosäuren-Komplex mit über 99% Reinheit ist frei von künstlichen Zusätzen und für Veganer:innen geeignet. AMIN ist Produkt der Kölner Liste® und Gewinner des Healthy Living Award 2022. Unser einzigartiger Aminosäuren-Mix mit allen wichtigen EAA und BCAA wird schonend aus Gemüse fermentiert. Das Pulver wird direkt über die Mundschleimhaut resorbiert und steht unserem Körper unmittelbar nach Einnahme zur Verfügung. So ist eine optimale Aufnahme und hohe Bioverfügbarkeit gewährleistet.
Application case: Performance
Gut für: Anti-Aging, Frauengesundheit, Haut, Haare, Nägel, Immunsystem, Konzentration, Männergesundheit, Schlaf und Innere Ruhe
Produkttyp: Pulver
Eigenschaft / USP: Ferment-A-Pure patentierte Technologie, Glutenfrei, Keine künstlichen Zusatzstoffe, Laborgeprüft, Laktosefrei, Ohne Gentechnik, Produkt der Kölner Liste®, Vegan

10 of 18 reviews

5 out of 5 stars






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8 October 2022 11:28

ein MUSS zum sport

sport ist für mich ohne a'min undenkbar geworden. nach kurzer zeit schon erfolg messbar

15 May 2023 08:03


Ich spüre jedes Mal die sofortige Wirkung, einfach so oder direkt nach dem Sport.

6 October 2022 13:11

Nicht mehr wegzudenken!

Seit ich angefangen habe A'MIN zu nehmen, fühle ich mich besser und habe ich viel mehr Energie auch noch am Abend eine Runde Sport zu machen :-)

24 May 2024 16:27

Geiles Produkt!

perfekt für während und nach den Sport

5 February 2024 17:53

Geil ????

Tropuval der geilste Geschmack :) fein für Unterwegs :)

29 August 2023 09:20

Beste Aminosäuren die es zu kaufen gibt

Es gibt keine Aminosäuren die besser sind, hab schon alle anderen Hersteller ausprobiert und keines wirkt so gut wie von euch

28 December 2023 12:49

Schnelle Regeneration

Für die Regeneration nach dem Sport unverzichtbar!! Geniales Produkt???? schade, dass es „grüner ????“ nicht mehr gibt, war mein Favourite.

15 May 2023 08:06

Bestes Produkt

Aminosäuren in bester Qualität! Direkt spürbar.

27 December 2023 16:10

Muskelkater ade

Seid ich 2 mal tägl. Amin nehme fühle ich mich wacher und habe nach dem Training ( 4 x pro Woche) wesentlich weniger Muskelkater bzw. schwere Beime

19 October 2023 07:01


Nach einer totalen Erschöpfung fühle ich mich jetzt wieder etwas leistungsfähiger . Vielen Dank

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Erfahre mehr

AMIN Tropical Sticks von artgerecht bieten Dir alle wichtigen essentiellen Aminosäuren in freier Form und in pharmazeutischer Qualität. Der gluten- und laktosefreie Aminosäuren-Komplex mit über 99% Reinheit ist frei von künstlichen Zusätzen und für Veganer:innen geeignet. AMIN ist Produkt der Kölner Liste® und Gewinner des Healthy Living Award 2022. Unser einzigartiger Aminosäuren-Mix mit allen wichtigen EAA und BCAA wird schonend aus Gemüse fermentiert. Das Pulver wird direkt über die Mundschleimhaut resorbiert und steht unserem Körper unmittelbar nach Einnahme zur Verfügung. So ist eine optimale Aufnahme und hohe Bioverfügbarkeit gewährleistet.
Application case: Performance
Gut für: Anti-Aging, Frauengesundheit, Haut, Haare, Nägel, Immunsystem, Konzentration, Männergesundheit, Schlaf und Innere Ruhe
Produkttyp: Pulver
Eigenschaft / USP: Ferment-A-Pure patentierte Technologie, Glutenfrei, Keine künstlichen Zusatzstoffe, Laborgeprüft, Laktosefrei, Ohne Gentechnik, Produkt der Kölner Liste®, Vegan

10 of 18 reviews

5 out of 5 stars






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8 October 2022 11:28

ein MUSS zum sport

sport ist für mich ohne a'min undenkbar geworden. nach kurzer zeit schon erfolg messbar

15 May 2023 08:03


Ich spüre jedes Mal die sofortige Wirkung, einfach so oder direkt nach dem Sport.

6 October 2022 13:11

Nicht mehr wegzudenken!

Seit ich angefangen habe A'MIN zu nehmen, fühle ich mich besser und habe ich viel mehr Energie auch noch am Abend eine Runde Sport zu machen :-)

24 May 2024 16:27

Geiles Produkt!

perfekt für während und nach den Sport

5 February 2024 17:53

Geil ????

Tropuval der geilste Geschmack :) fein für Unterwegs :)

29 August 2023 09:20

Beste Aminosäuren die es zu kaufen gibt

Es gibt keine Aminosäuren die besser sind, hab schon alle anderen Hersteller ausprobiert und keines wirkt so gut wie von euch

28 December 2023 12:49

Schnelle Regeneration

Für die Regeneration nach dem Sport unverzichtbar!! Geniales Produkt???? schade, dass es „grüner ????“ nicht mehr gibt, war mein Favourite.

15 May 2023 08:06

Bestes Produkt

Aminosäuren in bester Qualität! Direkt spürbar.

27 December 2023 16:10

Muskelkater ade

Seid ich 2 mal tägl. Amin nehme fühle ich mich wacher und habe nach dem Training ( 4 x pro Woche) wesentlich weniger Muskelkater bzw. schwere Beime

19 October 2023 07:01


Nach einer totalen Erschöpfung fühle ich mich jetzt wieder etwas leistungsfähiger . Vielen Dank

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